citko194 - 2009-01-03 13:31:22

Ots Dla Ludzi Początkujacych którzy chcą się pobawić ,
Niekture konfiguracje były po Portugalsku wiedz zostały zmienione przez
Ferchox - z
Twórcy Ots:
* God Preto
* João Paulo
* Iaewblz
* Natan
* Alisson
* The Forgottenserver Team

[8.4 Update]

*Updated Actions folder
*Updated npcs folder
*Wander island spawn amplified.
*Carlin spawn amplified
*Minor map bugs
*Added New Yalaharian Outfit
*Fixed minor bug on Inquisition quest
*Added switch system for potions
*Added npc that sells the new outfit
*Changed a thing in UH system for knights (God Preto)
*Works perfect with sqlite
*!Createguild Found.

[Miasta Na mapie]
*Port hope
*New Island (???)
*Event Island

[Qesty na Ots]
# Banshee Quest -- (LV 60)
# Demon Helmet -- (LV 100)
# Anihilator -- (LV 100)
# Ancient Helmet -- (LV 100)
# DSM -- (LV 95)
# Demona Quest -- (LV 80)
# RH -- (LV 30)
# Behe Quest -- (LV 80)
# Ring of the sky -- (LV 85)
# Bright Sowrd -- (LV 45)
# Banshee Quest -- (LV 60)
# Crown Legs -- (LV 8)
# Blue <> BOH <> SS -- (LV 60)
# Warlock Quest -- (LV 70)
# Knight Armor -- (LV 8)
# Teddy Bear -- (LV 135)
# Mms and Giant Sword -- (LV 100)
# Fire Sowrd -- (LV 20)
# Warrior Helmet -- (LV 8)


Itemy od Levela -- (LV 210)

1. Crystal Arrow
2. Gold Ring
3. Dragon Scale Legs
4. Great Shield

* * Itemy od Levela -- (LV 220)

* Magic Plate Armor
* Great Axe
* Horned Helmet
* Golden Boots

* * POI (Pits of Inferno) -- (LV 100)

1. Avenger
2. 100 platinum coins
3. Frozen Starlight
4. Boots of Waterwalking
5. Stuffed Dragon
6. Sprite Wand
7. Arbalest

* * The Inquisition Quest. -- (LV 100)

1. Royal Crossbow
2. Warsinger Bow
3. Spellbook of Dark Mysteries
4. Emerald Sword
5. Hellforged Axe
6. Obsidian Truncheon
7. Master Archer's Armor
8. Fireborn Giant Armor
9. Robe of The Underworld

skan - … b5c53e3dc9

Ots ma Win32 - jak dobrze wiemy to nic groźne
Ots nie jest moj !!! Orginalny temat